Accessing AR From Home

To access Accelerated Reader from home, visit
Please note the numbers in the URL above are unique to our school, and must be entered exactly as listed above.
Select the option “I am a student” and sign in using username and password.
Taking a Quiz:
A quiz is different to a STAR test because students only take a quiz after they have finished a book. There are usually about 10 questions on the book that has been read. At the end of the quiz the students are given a percentage to show them how well they have done.There are some important rules for taking quizzes:
1) The book the child is quizzed on must be a book they have read in the last two weeks. AR is not a memory test but rather measuring reading ability.
2) A student cannot take a quiz until they have read the entire text.
3) Quizzes must be done individually, not with anyone’s help
Click the orange ‘Accelerated Reader’ tile
Type the author or title of the book in the search bar to find the book or type in the quiz number
If you have finished the book click on ‘Take Quiz’
When you have found the book that you have read and clicked on ‘Take Quiz’ you will see a new screen
Select ‘Reading Practice’
Select how you read the book
Click ‘Start Quiz’
Work through the questions in your own time