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St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

NI Curriculum


The Curriculum

The statutory curriculum in Foundation Stage (P1 & P2), Key Stage One (P3 & P4) & Key Stage Two (P5, P6, P7) is set out under the following areas of learning:

Religious Education

Language and Literacy

Mathematics and Numeracy

The World Around Us

Physical Development and Movement

The Arts

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU)

At St. MacNissi’s Primary School our teachers are fully trained in the delivery of the Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum and they provide our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, giving every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible.

Through the curriculum we promote children’s self-esteem by concentrating on activities and learning experiences which encourage confidence, curiosity and creativity and encourage children to take an active responsibility for their own learning.

Children at St. MacNissi’s benefit from the expertise of professionals both in and out of school. 

These include:

DENI, Ulster GAA and IFA coaches, Ulster Rugby, EA Music Service, STEM projects (Science based initiatives) RISE NI (Regional Integrated Support for Education), Educational Psychology, Autism Advisory Service, LTSS (Literacy  Teaching Support Service), PBSS (Primary Behaviour Support Service) and LEEP (Larne Early Educational Partnership).

Additionally, our curriculum is enhanced by various events and educational excursions.

Further information on the Northern Ireland curriculum can be found at