Access Keys:

St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

School Events

November 2023 January 2024
Friday, 1st December 2023
PTA Non Uniform Day (Pupils will bring a childrens prize to be used in the PTA School Bingo Day in December)
Monday, 4th December 2023
Primary 7 - Medics in Primary School (1.30pm)
Tuesday, 5th December 2023
Primary 6 - Peaceplayers at YMCA (9.30am)
Wednesday, 6th December 2023
School Open Night and Launch of School Development Plan (5pm to 7pm)
Thursday, 7th December 2023
Primary 6 Swimming (1.30pm)
Friday, 8th December 2023
PTA School Bingo Day
Wednesday, 13th December 2023
Christmas Dinner Day
Thursday, 14th December 2023
Primary 3 and Primary 4 Christmas Play (1.15pm in the assembly hall)
Primary 6 Swimming - last lesson (1.30pm )
Friday, 15th December 2023
Primary 1 and Primary 2 Christmas Play (1.15pm in the assembly hall)
School Choir to Gloucester Day Park (11.15am)
Wednesday, 20th December 2023
Primary 5, 6 and 7 - Christmas Play (1.15pm in St Comgall's Club Auditorium)
Thursday, 21st December 2023
Finish for Christmas Holidays (11am)
Friday, 22nd December 2023
Christmas Holidays
Monday, 25th December 2023
Christmas Holidays
Tuesday, 26th December 2023
Christmas Holidays
Wednesday, 27th December 2023
Christmas Holidays
Thursday, 28th December 2023
Christmas Holidays
Friday, 29th December 2023
Christmas Holidays