Access Keys:

St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

School Events

January 2023 March 2023
Wednesday, 1st February 2023
After School Construction Club (2-3pm 3-4pm)
Thursday, 2nd February 2023
Larne Schools Boy's 5-a-side (1:00pm)
P7 Swimming
Friday, 3rd February 2023
NSPCC number day (Wear a number today! All donations to NSPCC.)
Larne Schools Hurling Cup
Saturday, 4th February 2023
Primary Seven GL/AQE results
Monday, 6th February 2023
Parent Teacher Meetings
Tuesday, 7th February 2023
Safer Internet Day 2023
Parent Teacher Meetings
Primary Three Library visit
Wednesday, 8th February 2023
Parent Teacher Meetings
RSPB Bird Watching (P2-P5)
Thursday, 9th February 2023
Parent Teacher Meetings
Friday, 10th February 2023
Wear What You Love day (suggested donation of £1) (Donations towards Children's Cancer Unit Charity - RVH)
Parent Teacher Meetings
Monday, 13th February 2023
Half Term
Tuesday, 14th February 2023
Half Term
Wednesday, 15th February 2023
Half Term
Thursday, 16th February 2023
Half Term
Friday, 17th February 2023
Half Term
Monday, 20th February 2023
P7 Woodhall Residential Parent Information Session (1:30pm School Hall)
Tuesday, 21st February 2023
Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday (Pancake Making )
Wednesday, 22nd February 2023
Primary Four Library visit
Thursday, 23rd February 2023
P7 Service of Light (7pm St MacNissi's Church)
P7 Swimming
Friday, 24th February 2023
Primary Four Special Assembly (1:15pm / school hall)
Primary Five Egyptian Day
Tuesday, 28th February 2023
Primary Four Library visit